How to Draw a Seal Pup, Seal Pup
Start by drawing a circle for the seal's head and then draw out the tear drop shaped body. Sketch in the facial detailing and then move to step two.
Here you will begin sketching out the actual shape of the seal's head and notice how the lining is rough. This is for the fluffy texture that they are born with.
Using the facial guidelines, draw in the large eyes, then the nose, and then draw the mouth or lips like so, and then sketch in the chin. Draw in the whiskers and then color in the eyes. Sketch some brows and move to step four.
Now that the head and face has been drawn in, you will sketch the front part of the body starting with the shoulders and chest. Draw the two flippers like so, and be sure to add the crease or folds as well as the chest indentation.
Finish off your seal pup by drawing the rest of the body, and then draw in the back end which seems to fork in the middle. Add some toe lines as well as some nails. Erase your mistakes and you are all done.
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February 8, 2012
Description: I have done so many different tutorials on all sorts of animals including baby versions, anime versions, cartoon versions, etc. Today I will try and show you guys a semi realistic way you can learn "how to draw a seal pup", step by step. Seal pups are one of the cuter versions of the seal species. When they are born they are all white and have fuzzy hair. Each and every year millions of harp seals surface from cold waters and gather upon the ice floor of the Magdalen Islands located in Canada. Harp seals gather like this to prepare themselves for a birthing process that will take place around the first day of March. Roughly around five hundred thousand baby seals or seal pups are born weighing only fifteen pounds. They are all white in color and although they are incredibly cute at this point, as soon as they start shedding their white coats, they must beware of poachers or seal hunters that come lurking around when the pups reach about two weeks old. Not only do these new seals have to worry about being prey to other larger sea dwelling animals, they also have to worry about being hunted by man. Each year when the pups are born, the display of white seals is truly captivating which makes the event one of the most popular for spectators and photographers. I had a lot of fun making this tutorial, and if you have been waiting for a lesson such as this, you can now start the process to drawing a seal pup of your own. You can choose to color in your baby seal all white, or you can add a hint of grey to its coat. I on the other hand have to get going because I still have some more drawing fun on the way. I will be back so try and stay tuned in, or you can come back later to see what else is new. Peace out and enjoy!