How to Draw a Piggy Bank
You will now draw the forehead, then draw the oblong shape of the snout. Color in the eyes and nostril holes, then move to step three.
You will now draw out the rest of the body, then draw in the stubby legs. Add color to the bottom of each leg as well as a belly line.
For the last step you will draw in the springy tail and then a couple of dollars. Erase the mistakes then you are done.
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October 31, 2013
Description: For those of you that like to save money here is a tutorial on "how to draw a piggy bank", step by step. I know most of us have never really thought of a piggy bank as a pig shaped glass bank like you see here. Instead a piggy bank to us is an empty coffee can or a clean rinsed out bottle. I myself used ashtrays, bottles, and jars. Here is a cute tutorial that everyone can have fun with and that is on drawing a piggy bank. Thanks a lot people remember to keep those creative minds active.