Drawing a Punk Face and Headphones


Simply draw a circle for the head guide, then sketch in the facial guidelines and neck guideline.


We will begin to start sketching out the girl's face shape and head. Incorporate the ears and chin definition as well.


You can go with any style you want for your hair. But I chose to go with a shaved half head and shorter hair on the opposite side. Add the hairline for the bald part of the head.


Start sketching out the eyes beginning with the eyebrows. Once you have those nicely done, proceed to get the eyes drawn out. Thick lashes and eyelid folds all need to be sketched in.


FInish the eyes and make sure you give her some under eyeliner. Once that is done sketch out her nose, nose ring, brow piercing, and lip piercings. You also have to draw in her mouth which is being expressed in a snarl.


You will work on getting the headphone muffs sketch out and detailed. When those are done draw in her hoop earrings and headphone wires.


Finish off this face by drawing the headband and then her neck shape. Sketch in those neck details, then erase your mistakes and guides.


Here you go. A finished drawing that you can color in and have fun with.

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October 6, 2020

Description: Just as the title says, this lesson is going to teach you how to draw a Punk face wearing headphones. I really love the way this drawing came out. The face is so cool and stylish it actually makes me think this girl is a college student, rocking a pair of eyeglasses, listening to tunes while all the while she wears silver hoops and has facial piercings. I love the background. You know she must be listening to some sort of dubstep or dance music. Anyways, I think those of you who try this lesson will be satisfied with the end results.

#how to draw faces #how to draw girls #how to draw punk #how to draw headphones
1 - Super Cool
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