Pikachu and Headphones Draw Tutorial

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Very simple step, just draw two circles. One for the head and another for the body. Sketch in the facial guidelines and you're done.


Using the two guide shapes we just made, start drawing out the shape of Pikachu's body which is in a sitting pose.


Go ahead and give Pikachu some arms, hands and his other leg,


All you have to do here is draw the adorable expression on his face which is just the oval shaped eyes, his cute little nose and then his smile. Oh, don't forget to draw the cheeks.


Go ahead and draw in the headphones. Take your time so they come out right. The headphones are shaped like a rainbow with clouds at the ends. This is the best way to describe how to draw in Pikachu's headphones.


Okay folks, all you need to do now is draw in his ears and electric bolt tail, then erase the mistakes and guides.


There you have it. Pikachu wearing headphones. Go ahead and color him in before showing folks who you just drew.

Comments 1

So adorable! Do you have a png version of this? would love to buy so i could use it as a profile picture on youtube



October 6, 2020

Description: This is one of my favorite drawings I have done in a while. It's of Pikachu listening to music with a pair of headphones on. I seen a drawing of someone who had artwork of Pikachu wearing headphones and I fell in love with it. I just had to go and make my own and voilĂ . I do hope other will enjoy this lesson. I put a lot of thought into his body posture and expression on his face. Whenever you draw Pikachu it's always a treat so have fun folks.

#how to draw pokemon characters #how to draw headphones #how to draw pikachu
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