Here you will draw out the shape of Hello Kitty's head, and when you do this make sure that you add the missing chunk of skin on the left lower portion of the cheek. Draw in small cat ears, and then draw in her signature bow.
Okay, lets have some real fun now. I want to remind you guys that you can choose to make any form of zombie face that you like, this is just my interpretation. Draw a small hollow hole where her left eye would have went and around the hole, draw in s
Okay, draw her body normally, a simple shape for her torso, and her arms and hands. The dress has a ripped collar, and her right hand is also missing a few layers of skin. Draw in her foot, as well as a patch of missing tissue like so.
Draw out her right leg and foot and then add some last minute detailing like gashes, cuts and scraps. Detail her dress with some holes and erase the mistakes and guides you drew in previous steps.
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October 1, 2011
Description: Well, I guess I’m back and I’m ready to start uploading some new stuff. I’m going to try and make this quick today because there is a lot I have to do tonight. Let me begin by uploading "how to draw zombie Hello Kitty", step by step. You obviously knew that I had to fill requests for a Hello Kitty version of a zombiefied pop culture character. There is no way I could have passed up this idea because as you know I love anything that has to do with Hello Kitty. The lesson in itself is going to be pretty easy to draw so you don’t have to worry about tackling something complicated. I think a majority of you guys will enjoy learning "how to draw zombie Hello Kitty" because today is the first day of October which means there is officially thirty days left before Halloween. Making awesome zombie characters is something that is much enjoyed for such an exciting day. Have fun guys and remember to rate, comment, and fav any or all lessons you come across. Peace out!