How to Draw the Doors

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In this first step you will be drawing out the guidelines to get you started for the letters for the Doors logo. Start by drawing two long lines that go across your sheet and the several lines that are drawn between them as shown in this first step.    


Now you can start to draw out and shape the five letters using the guidelines you drew in step 1. As you can see from the image above the letters are nothing more then squares and circles. The "O's" look like screws. Just look at the image and draw e   


The last part to drawing out the Doors letters is drawing out "THE" at the top and giving the "R" its cliff. Enlarge the image so you can see just the top three letters are drawn out. After you complete this step you can erase all the guidelines that   


That is it you are done. You just drew out your very own letters for the Doors. If you want to you can color them in or leave them as a sketch. That will do it for this tutorial on how to draw The Doors letters. See you all soon.

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April 25, 2008

Description: Another big band favorite of mine was only around for a short while until the singer died at the age of 28 years old. Today I will show you how to draw out the letters for The Doors. Let’s talk about this unique band for a second because I love them so much. The Doors was also an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1965. The band only had four members but these four members still stand the test of time today. First we have the one and only Jim Morrison which was the vocalist, Ray Manzarek on the keyboard, John Densmore on drums and famous guitars Robby Krieger. What made the Doors so special was the style of their music which mad them a controversial band as well. Jim Morrison was the back bone of the band and he was the one person that kids and adults came to see all from all over the world. His lyrics and his style of singing on stage made him an idol to a lot of young men and women. The way he disregarded the law and how he used to defy doing the right thing made him a character that most people wish they could be, Jim Morrison was one of the most charismatic and influential frontmen in rock music history. He was born on December 8, 1943 and died July 3, 1971; the names used by people that worshiped him were The Lizard King, Mr. Mojo Risin, and The Black Clad Leather Demon. Not only was he a singer but he was also poet and filmmaker, the love of his life was Pamela Courson. The two shared a unique bond and commitment to each other. They met before Jim was a popular singer/songwriter. They shared a common respect and interest for each other she would put up with his lies and deception even though they agreed to have an open relationship where she gave Jim permission to sleep around with a number of other women. They both loved each other dearly but Pam starting feeling like she needed to seek out revenge for all the cheating that Jim was doing especially when he performed a ritual with rock critic and science fiction/fantasy author Patricia Kennealy. The type of ritual performed by the two was a ceremonial marriage, but the paper work was never filed to make it legitimate. The Doors was a band that many loved and desired, they released a total of 9 studio albums which are as follows; The Doors 1967, Strange Days 1967, Waiting for the Sun 1968, The Soft Parade 1969, Morrison Hotel 1970, L.A. Woman 1971, Other Voices, Full Circle, and An American Prayer: Jim Morrison. This tutorial will show you how to draw the letters for The Doors step by step. The instructions are super easy to understand and read. So sit back and put on your favorite Doors tune while you draw the letters to an American legend.

#how to draw logos #how to draw a logo #draw logos

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