How to Draw Chibi Creatures

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1 Guidelines

First, start with the guidelines for the two characters and the rolling paper flying 'carpet'.

2 Facial Features

Let's work on the bud shape for the cute bud character and the facial features too.

3 Facial Features 2

Then, let's work on the shape of the shroom and the hands/stem.

4 Rolling Paper Carpet

Then, work on the carpet that these two are riding on.

5 Final Touches

Then, work on the magical dust cloud behind them as well as the rolling paper definition.

6 Final Line Art

Once everything is drawn, you should end up with something like this. Looks great, excellent job!

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June 22, 2020

Description: Hey guys. Thanks for joining me for another lesson here on Dragoart. Today I wanted to do something different and show you all how to draw chibi creatures step by step. These adorable little chibi monsters have happy and excited expressions on their face as they take a magical carpet ride through a fantasy like journey. I had lots of fun making these characters and I think you will too.

#how to draw chibi #how to draw creatures #how to draw chibi monsters
1 - Super Cool
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