How to Draw a Smile

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Okay, I've included three types of smiles, a nice big open smile which exposes the teeth, and it's more realistic, and two anime type smiles that are commonly seen on your favorite anime show or manga. For the realistic smile, draw one vertical line,   


You will now draw out the complete mouth set up for the two anime style smiles, including the top row of teeth for the mouth on the left. As for the realistic smile, draw a top lip, and then another line in the middle. Right now it looks like a top a   


Draw the hint of a bottom lip for the two anime style mouths, and then draw the bottom row of teeth for the mouth to the left, and the mouth to the right. Next, you will draw another line that cradles the bottom arch you drew in step one, and then ad   


Now you can start drawing out the arches for the top row of teeth, and then draw the boxy shapes for the bottom row of teeth. The other two mouths are all set.


Cap off the teeth and then sketch out a bottom lip. When you are done you can start erasing the lines that you drew in step one to clean up that smile.


And there you have it, a completed lesson on how to draw a smile, and how to draw an anime smile. That was wicked fun wasn't it. Color them in, or use these smiles on your next character drawings.

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April 21, 2010

Description: I guess everyone liked the lips I submitted yesterday. I really didn't think that they were going to get so many hits. Now, because the lips did so well, I decided to do a lesson on “how to draw a smile", step by step. The human smile is something that is never overlooked even if you don't have a great one. Some people smile when they greet another individual, to be polite, to take a picture, or just because you are having a good time. I love smiling because when you smile, that usually means your enjoying your day. Unless of course the smirk you are making is out of malice, or just from faking that you are smiling to keep those around you unaware of your true feelings. This tutorial was drawn in Photoshop CS3, and no it is not an image. I totally drew the smile, lips, and teeth, the same way I drew the lips. There is no photo manipulation being used, I sketched out both mouths using my tablet and drawing program. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this tutorial on “how to draw a smile", I've also included an other lesson that will show you "how to draw an anime smile" too. It's not often that you actually find a lesson that actually teaches you to draw a smiling grin. I will be back in a bit so stay logged in to see what else I have in store for all you drawing junkies out there.

#how to draw teeth #draw mouths #how to draw mouths #drawing a mouth #draw lips

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