How to Draw a Selfie

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Start off by drawing the three shapes for your figure. This will be the head, torso, and hand. Add the facial guidelines as well.


Use the head guide to draw in the shape of her face, then draw in some of her hair which is the bangs. There is also lining that frames her face. This is a wavy hair strand.


Up next, draw in the eyes. Make the thin eyebrows first, then draw the thick, dark eyelids which are also her lashes.


Finish drawing the face by sketching out the eye shape like so. This girl is winking so the left eye is closed. Color in the pupil, then draw the nose and mouth.


Continue to work on her hairstyle which is long, wavy and styled to perfection. When you are done with her hair, you can proceed to step six.


All you have to do here is draw in her shoulders, and one arm. Be sure to add some toning to her arm as well.


Next, finish the arm by drawing the hand and wrist. Once that is complete draw in her cell phone and bangle bracelets.


Finish up this tut by drawing her upper body or what you can see of it. Detail her clothing and then erase the guides and mistakes.


Color in your selfie and show folks that you can take a selfie on paper too.

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April 29, 2014

Description: I wanted to have some fun today and do a tut on something different. Since all I have been seeing and hearing about is people taking "selfies" I thought it would be cool to try and make a lesson on "how to draw a selfie", step by step. I was actually going to do this concept a while ago as soon as I heard the techno song from The Chainsmokers called '#Selfie', but I didn't know how to go about doing something like that. When I finally thought of an idea where the person is holding up her cell phone as she takes a snapshot to show off where she's at. This was a fun drawing to create and I hope you all enjoy drawing your own selfie. Adios people and stick around for more tuts.

#how to draw girls

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