Draw a Platypus, Step by Step


The first thing we need to do is draw the guidelines and shapes to create the foundation for this animal.


Define the shape of the platypus' head and then sketch in some of the back part of the neck.


We will now draw the shape of the bill which looks very much like a duck. When that is done add some nostrils and then the eyes, and forehead indents.


Begin drawing the body starting with the left side. Draw the front feet or hands as well.


Sketch out the shape of the flowing movement of the platypus' body. This is a drawing lesson of the animal in motion so be sure to follow this step correctly. Don't forget to draw the thigh too.


Draw in the back legs and feet like so, then you can move along to the last drawing step.


All you have to do here is give your platypus a tail. Erase the mistakes along with the guidelines.


That's it, you are all done. Color in this animal native to Australia and Tasmania and you're done.

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August 5, 2022

Description: I received a request to do lessons on animals from Australia so here they come. I will start with this lesson on how to draw a platypus, step by step. These animals are so different and strange. They have the feet and limbs similar to a beaver or otter. Their noses are considered to be beaks or bills and they can thrive in both water and land. I think these animals are super strange, but very cool and drawing a platypus was definitely something that I enjoyed. Here is your chance to create your own as well. Have fun and meet me back here in a bit.

#how to draw platypus #how to draw australian animals
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