Beauty and The Beast Rose Drawing

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Let's start with the guidelines for the rose. Start with the bud guide and then draw in the guidelines for the stem.


Up next, begin drawing the center of the rose which is also known as the bud.


Next, draw more petals for the rose until a bloom starts forming. There are four petals in total.


We will now draw the stick of the stem. As you know rose stems are thick and have thorns, but there are some rose species that are thornless. Add the thorns and you can proceed to step five.


Here you will draw the wilted leave branch and draw in the fallen rose petals. Four are on the ground, and one is in suspension.


For the last drawing step. Draw the glass cover that is over the rose. This is to protect it from damage. Erase the guides and mistakes, then you're done.


Lastly, add some color and you have just completed this lesson on drawing the Beauty and the Beast Rose.

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April 2, 2017

Description: Hey guys, welcome back to another fun lesson on a subject from Beauty and the Beast. You may be asking yourself why am I making so many lessons on characters from Beauty and the Beast? Well, the answer to that is simple. There is an all new Beauty and the Beast coming to a theater near you March 17, 2017. The movie is said to be something of a big deal because of the effects and realism to Disney's animated version. I've included the trailer link to Beauty and the Beast so you can check it out for yourself. I was blown away by it even the very little it showed you. For once, I am really excited for the re-release of a Disney classic because Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite Disney movies when I was a kid. Anyways, this lesson is going to show you how to draw the Beauty and the Beast rose, step by step. I hope you enjoy the lesson. I will be back with more tuts for you all today and I promise they will be cool.

#how to draw beauty and the beast characters #rose drawing #rose drawing easy #rose sketch

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