How to Draw The Pumpkin King

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Jack is a very slender character. This is based on the fact that he is a skeleton. Start with a round shape for his head, and then add the guidelines for his face, and body like so.


You will now start outlining the shape of his head, and with the same lining draw the skinny neck, and the complete top portion of his body including his long, lanky arms.


Finish drawing out his body before you tackle his face. Draw the ripped looking jacket tail like you see here, and then draw both of his hands. Lastly, draw in the eyes, color them in, and then draw the mouth. Erase the guidelines you make in step on   


The last thing you will need to do once your drawing has been cleaned up a bit, is draw out his collar, fingers on the right hand, and the tux opening on the front of his chest. Oh yeah, don't forget the nostril holes.


Once Jack is all colored in, he will end up looking like a true Pumpkin King. You can add the white pin stripes if you like, I left them out to switch things up a bit. Great work guys!

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October 16, 2010

Description: Today is the sixteenth which means Halloween is only fourteen days away. For Halloween I thought I would submit another tutorial on the very popular Jack Skellington. But instead of calling him Jack, I will be calling him what he calls himself. So, today I hope you have fun with learning "how to draw the Pumpkin King", step by step. As you know Jack does a song in the movie where he refers to himself as being the Pumpkin King, and I also think that is the part of the movie where he is certain that he wants to do something else, like take over Santa Clause's job. Jack goes through so many twists and turns just to become the new Santa for a season. He believes so strongly that he can do a better job than old St. Nick. What Jack doesn't realize at this point in his ghoulish life, is the fact he will always be, the Pumpkin King. That is what I wanted to convey with this lesson. Teaching you "how to draw the Pumpkin King" is something that needs to be done with confidence. If I drew this version of Jack with little or no confidence at all, he would've probably came out looking weak, and frail. Anyways, I think I did a good job, and I'm sure you guys will get a blast out of this tutorial. I will be back with some other cool stuff for you all to learn from so stick around gang!

#draw jack #how to draw jack #draw the pumpkin king #how to draw the nightmare before christmas characters
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