How to Draw Jack Skellington Easy

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Begin by making a circle that is a little of with being perfect.


Next, draw out and color in Jack's eyes like so, then draw and color in the nose holes. Add some line detailing under the eyes as well as from the nose.


Lastly, draw the expressive definition on top of his eyes, then draw a sly grin and add the stitch like lines on both top and bottom parts of his mouth. Erase any mistakes.


Here is the Pumpkin King all drawn out and ready to color in. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on drawing Jack Skellington easy.

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May 8, 2012

Description: Once again I have for you a lesson on a favorite person, or being we like to call 'The Pumpkin King'. I wanted to keep the momentum going by uploading some tutorials on easy stuff that people would enjoy. So here is "how to draw Jack Skellington easy", step by step. Everyone knows who Jack is. He is the skeletal figure from the movie 'A Nightmare Before Christmas'. His main goal is to take over Santa's job and deliver presents to boys and girls around the world Jack Skellington style. Instead of real toys, kids will receive snakes, heads, and nails. I really enjoy drawing Jack easy because I know that so many of you will have fun with this Tim Burton character. As you get busy with this tut, I will prepare my next one for you all. Adios people and like always, enjoy!

#draw jack #how to draw jack #draw the pumpkin king #how to draw the nightmare before christmas characters #how to draw nightmare before christmas characters
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