How to Draw the Mystery Machine

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Like I said a big box. This first step is super duper easy! All you have to do is draw a big oblong square box fro the beginning frame of the Mystery Machine van used in the Scooby Doo cartoon. After you do this move to the next step.


Now this step involves more detailing and sketching. What you wanna first do is draw the the two lines that go horizontally and vertically on the van. Next draw out the wheel wells fro the tires, and they look like the top half of a box, so how easy    


Now here is where all the fun comes in. You will be decorating this lively looking van with flowers, and grass, and such.Starting at the top of the van draw in the roof racks so they can carry their luggage when they travel. Next draw in the window w   


And after all is said and done you should end up with this. The Scooby Doo mystery machine van. But the fun stuff is not over yet, now yo get to color the entire sketch to complete the drawing. As for me, my Scooby Doo character drawings are finally    

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February 20, 2008

Description: Pull up Fred and pick us up before the monster gets us! That’s right; this tutorial is on "how to draw the Mystery Machine" from the cartoon series Scooby Doo. Assumingly the van is a replica from two different car companies, one being the VW bus, now I say this because the front of the mystery machine resembles that particular van. One thing is certain it is definitely a six passenger vehicle, but the strange thing is you sometimes will catch Scooby Doo and Shaggy sitting in the rear of the van with no seats just chowing on some grub. The way the Mystery Inc. gang chose to decorate the machine is quite colorful, it has big daisy looking flowers running along the sides, and flowers for the hub caps, a very retro turquoise color with orange lettering makes the mystery machine a must have passenger van for any 60’s teenager to own back in those days. I love the style that the Scooby Doo characters have, not only with their van, but with their clothes as well. Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby Doo all have the same colors spread through out the characters. It’s like they all complement each other with a colorful color scheme. Who ever was in charge of drawing and coloring the whole Scooby Doo gang did an awesome job. But the most important thing is that all four teens and their big Great Dane dog have a get away car no matter if Shaggy or Fred is driving, at least it gets them from point A to point B. In this tutorial I show you how to draw the mystery machine with step by step instructions. The van is basically a big square box with a couple of windows and round tires. So hop in and take a ride down the tutorial path and draw your own Scooby Doo Mystery Machine.

#how to draw scooby doo characters #draw cartoon car #draw cartoon cars

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