How to Draw Anime Frankenstein


Let us begin by making the guide shapes for the head and torso. Once that is done you can sketch in the facial guidelines, then draw the arm guideline.


For the next step all you have to do is sketch out the shape of her face, then draw in the wavy patterned hairline that frames her face. Draw in the ear, then draw the shape of her neck.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the shapes of each eye, then draw and shade in the eyebrows. When that is done make the first stitch line on her cheek like so, then draw in the nose, mouth and chin indent. Also make sure that the upper lid linin   


Frankie's face is practically done. All you have to do now is finish sketching out her hairstyle which is wavy and very stiff. Draw the chunks of strands which will later be colored in white, then add some hair falling down the side of her face like    


Finish drawing the shape of her neck, then begin sketching out the bolts on the sides of her neck, then draw in the shirt collar and spotted tie. Take your time with this task so you end up finishing the clothing right.


We will continue working on the shirt or clothing. Do that by drawing the puffed sleeves which cover the shoulders. You will then draw the shape of her breasts, then add the net pattern on the sleeves.


Add netting under her breasts, and along the sides of her torso like you see here. You will then draw the belly line of the shirt, then sketch out the shape of her waist and hips.


Next, draw her arm which will be relaxing on the gravestone. The arm is also stitched together so you will have to add a seam line with stitches. Draw in the fingers, then add more of her long curly locks behind her back.


For this next step you will draw the hips or waist, then sketch in her long thighs or legs like so. When that is done you can sketch in her skirt, then detail the skirt with some stripes.


Draw the seam line on her thigh followed by the stitches, then sketch in the ruffling to the inner parts of her skirt.


You will now draw in the rest of her legs by sketching out the other thigh which is crossed over the other leg. Add the boot that goes knee high, then draw in the boot straps. Sketch the other arm and hand. This time her hand is resting on her knee.    


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the giant headstone or gravestone that this anime Frankenstein is resting on in the graveyard or cemetery. Sketch in the cracks, border lines and texture dimples which will give the stone that p   


Here is how your anime Frankenstein drawing looks when you are done or pretty close to it. Now is the time to chose your shades to color in your sketch.

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October 2, 2013

Description: Hello folks and welcome back to another fun lesson on another anime figure that will knock your socks off. To celebrate the Halloween season that is coming upon us, I wanted to do a series of Halloween themed anime figures to show how much I love the holiday. Having said that, here is "how to draw anime Frankenstein", step by step. This female anime version of Frankenstein came out exceptionally good and I am very pleased with the results. For those of you that can't tell, this anime version of Frankie is sitting leaned up against a tomb, or gravestone. Her clothing is a two piece set with ruffled sleeves or cuffs, and a super short mini skirt. She has the typical Frankenstein style boots and her limbs are stitched together in a neat, almost seamless finish. If you love anime art, you will love tackling this lesson on drawing anime Frankenstein female style. I shall return in a bit so stay tuned in.

#how to draw anime girls
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