How to Draw an Ice Cream, Ice Cream

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Start by drawing a circle for the one scoop of ice cream and the add one guide.


On top of my scoop of ice cream I like a little dollop of whipped cream or cool whip. With it, draw in some sprinkles.


Shape out the scoop of ice cream by thickening the shape you drew in step one, and draw in some ruffled lines at the end of the scoop.


Using the one guide, draw out the eyes, and mouth. Instead of coloring the entire eye, leave an equal amount of white.


Now it's time to finish off this lesson. Simply draw out a cone shape and then add some simple cross hatching lines for the texture of the sugar cone. Erase any mistakes and then you are ready to see how your ice cream should look when complete.


Here it is, a finished drawing of a tasty ice cream. Color it in to represent your favorite flavor, and even add another scoop or two if you want. Great job guys!

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September 22, 2011

Description: I know I already did a sundae for you all, but I also wanted to make a tutorial on a plain old cone. So here it is, you will learn "how to draw an ice cream", step by step. As I mentioned before ice cream is one of my favorite desert treats and it’s even good as a side with pancakes for breakfast. Of course I’m not talking about chocolate chip cookie dough for breakfast, I’m talking about a regular vanilla bean flavored ice cream. Anyways, the cone was also a request by a member, so instead of prolonging something that I thought would make an extremely cute chibi food tutorial. Anyways, I’m not going to ramble on about nothing when I should be showing you "how to draw an ice cream". Have fun, and maybe you can have yourself one of these tasty, cold, amazing treats for desert today!

#draw food #how to draw chibi food
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