How to Draw a Sword for Kids

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First make a simple line for the total length of the sword. This includes the handle, hand guard, and blade.


The first thing you will draw is the handle and hand guard.


Next up, draw the blade design for your sword. Since this is a scimitar, you will need to make a notch at the tip of the blade. This sword has two points.


Add detailing to the blade and then to the handle of the sword. Erase any mistakes that you may have made.


Here is your sword when you are all done with this tutorial. Now you can have fun coloring it in, and putting it to good use.

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May 12, 2012

Description: Almost every kid at one point wants to draw a sword for some reason whether it be for a character that they are creating, or for a character they watched on television. Today I will finally upload a tutorial that has been sitting in my folder for literally a whole week. In this tut you will be learning "how to draw a sword for kids", step by step. Swords come in so many different styles and they are also used for different things. The sword that you are drawings is actually called a scimitar. This sword was widely used by Persians, and is still in use today. even though this may seem like a simple looking sword, it is really fun to recreate because there is so many uses for this type of sword design. If you love drawing tattoos that have swords and skulls or swords and hearts, this is a great lesson that you can follow to draw yourself a scimitar. Well that's about it. I'm sure you will find a need for drawing a sword for kids, and if you don't the practice alone is awesome. Peace out people and enjoy!

#draw swords #how to draw scimitars

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