How to Draw a Skull and Roses, Skull and Roses
The first step is going to be easy because all you have to do is draw the shape of the skull's head and then draw a face guide which will be for the front part of the skull's face.
Begin sketching out the actual shape of the skull. Remember you will be drawing this skull from a side view profile. The sharp tip is the brow.
Continue to draw the side view of the nose and then color in the hollow area. Continue on with the lining until the top and bottom jaw is drawn, and then draw in the chin, and jaw line like so. The lining for the mouth should be drawn in a wiggly man
The next step is to draw in the outline of the eye socket and then color it in. Draw the indentation of the skull's temple and color it in as well as sketch in the scratchy detailing. When that is done you can draw the row of small arches to form the
For the most part the skull is all done. You will begin working on getting the roses drawn in. Start with the first rose which I drew on top of the skull's head. The best way to start the rose process is to draw a cup like shape, and then draw folded
Continue to work on the rose by sketching in more petals to the top part of the flower. This is like drawing bumpy mounds that are layered on top of each other.
All you have to do here is draw the long stem of the rose, and then draw two branched off parts which you then will draw in some of the leaves. Sketch in some fine detailing for the leaves and be sure to draw the end of the rose stem cupping the bott
And finally for the last drawing step we will tackle the last rose until it's completely drawn in. Add in some of the detailing to the inside of the flower, and then begin cleaning up your new drawing.
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December 23, 2011
Description: I know Christmas is in two days but I just had to draw and submit a new skull design because it has been so long since I made one. It's not often that I draw skulls from a side view, so when I started this sketch I was unsure of how it would come out. I was surprised to see that the rough sketch of the initial skull design came out looking pretty sweet. When I began drawing the lining for the skull it started coming out so epic and the end results is what you see here now. I really did have a lot of fun creating a new skull concept and as of right now I feel that this is one of my favorite skull designs. When I began the sketch I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t going to be too hard for others to replicate so I tried to keep the design as simple as possible. There really isn’t going to be that many complex parts to tackle when drawing a skull and roses, and the best advice I can give is that you take your time as you tackle this skull. This is also an awesome tattoo design that make great addition to your body art if you're into skulls and roses. I know you guys will have fun, and remember to keep those requests coming in because a lot of my ideas for tutorials come from members like you. Thanks guys and be sure to rate, comment, and fav. Adios people and happy holidays.