How to Draw a Razor Blade, Razor Tattoo

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Let us start by drawing a simple box, then add a horizontal line in the center of the blade outline.


You will now begin drawing out the actual shape and design of the blade. The edges should be straight, and the sides should contain notches.


Next, draw in the center opening which is almost as long as the razor itself. The waves and bumps should create the look you are going for.


Lastly, draw the cut as well as the dripping blood. I wanted to do something gross, but you can do what ever you wish. Erase the mistakes, then you're done.


Here is the finished product when you are all done. Now you can color in the drawing to perfect it to your choice.

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February 27, 2013

Description: I definitely wanted to do something different that I haven't done before, and I wanted it to be in the form of a tattoo design. Here today we will be learning "how to draw a razor blade", or a razor tattoo, step by step. This razor is your typical blade that you will find in most refillable silver shaving razors. They are bladed on both sides, and have an empty space in the center. These razors are probably a lot more popular in appearance oppose to the traditional construction blade which can be found in utility knives. I love the way that the design came out because it has this dark presence that doesn't go away. I do hope you enjoy drawing a razor blade, I do have more tuts coming your way so try and stay tuned in to see what's next.

#how to draw blades #how to draw razors
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