How to Draw Toon Zelda

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Start her off by drawing Toon Zelda's head shape which is perfectly round. Next add the facial guidelines, and draw the shape of her small torso and bell shaped skirt outline. She should have a small frame.


You will now draw the face frame which will enable you to sketch out her pretty features. Draw the emblem shape on her forehead, and then sketch out the eyebrows.


You will then draw her ears, and then draw the spiky looking wing shapes that are sticking out from the sides of her head. Once that is done you can sketch out her eyes, and then color in the pupils. Be sure you thicken the top lid of her eye, and th   


Now you can draw the shape and style of her dress collar as you see here. Add three egg shapes for her necklace, and then draw the front part of her dress that is like a over hanging design or flap.


Continue to sketch out some more of her pretty long straight hair, and then draw the top part of her dress and sleeves. Once that is done draw in her belt which is in the form of a sectioned buckle, and then add some detailing to the dresses flap tha   


You are almost done drawing Toon Zelda. What you need to do now is draw out her hands, and then draw the flap on the front of her dress that is in the shape of an arrow.


For your last drawing step finish sketching out Toon Zelda's dress, and then add the designs of her flap which displays the symbols of her kingdom. If you notice the Triforce is there too. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one   


This you pretty Super Smash Bros Brawl character when you are done. I do hope you enjoyed learning how to draw Toon Zelda step by step. I will be back with more tomorrow so come back and see what will be in store next!

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April 6, 2010

Description: Speaking of Zelda and Majora's Mask, how about that other character that is making a name for herself. She is a pretty princess that has blond hair and a style all of her own. She even impersonates herself as a man to "get er' done". This tutorial is going to show you “how to draw Toon Zelda”, step by step. As some of you Zelda fans know, I already have a tutorial on Toon Link and he looks pretty awesome. This version of Zelda was made for the "Super Smash Bros Brawl" for the Wii, which my brother owns as we speak, and yes it's an amazing video game. She is in the style from The Wind Waker, and Toon Zelda is dressed to fight. Since there is no story behind the character you are about to draw, I guess all I can do is submit the tutorial as fast as possible. I do want to say that she was a request, and I am filling yet another one! Boy, I'm on a roll huh? Super Smash Bros Brawl was released in March of 2008, and it's designer was Masahiro Sakurai. The game is filled with a bunch of your favorite Nintendo characters that was created over time, and if you have never played the game before, you might want to try it out if you have a Wii. In the mean time I know you will have fun with this lesson that when finished, you will be able to “draw Toon Zelda” like a piece of cake. I will be back tomorrow because I am really beat for the night. I just wanted to get some good juicy lessons that you guys can sink your teeth into for the Easter Holiday. Meet me back here again tomorrow my fellow friends for more drawing fun!

#how to draw characters from zelda #draw zelda #how to draw zelda characters

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