How to Draw Scream

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Let's draw the Scream killer shall we? Start with a circle and then draw the facial guidelines.


Here you will use your facial guidelines to draw in the peanut shaped eyes, the skeleton like nose, and the cone shaped mouth. You will then color in the eye sockets, the nose, and the mouth.


Now sketch out the shape of Screams face as you see here and make sure you draw predominate cheeks. The shape of the jaw is long and narrow. This is what makes the face look ghostly.


This is already your last drawing step. You will now draw the cloak hood that this horror movie character is wearing. Make sure the sides of the hood look wrinkled and loose. Erase the guidelines and shapes and move to the finished step.


Here is what your finished character looks like when you are done. Color him in and you have just finished this tutorial on "how to draw Scream step by step".

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October 21, 2009

Description: How about that movie that came out in the late nineties about a group of high school kids that had some wacko serial killer murdering certain students until they were all dead. This killer came in disguise wearing an all black suit and a scary ghostly mask. I know you guys know what movie I am talking about. I always wanted to do a lesson “how to draw Scream" step by step. Scream is the name of the movie, and the killer in the movie wears a costume that is a cross between the grim reaper and a ghost. The Scream villain killed a bunch of kids and adults with his signature weapon, a butcher knife. This movie is one of the nineties horror teen slasher flicks that changed them all into a new genre. Because of the story line of “Scream” and “I Know What You Did Last Summer”, the Waynes brothers came out with the incredibly funny parody saga of "Scary Movie". I can remember watching part one of Scary Movie, I was laughing so hard that I was literally holding my stomach. It most have taken me a good twenty minutes before I released my hands from my stomach. But all in all the movie Scream made it possible for teens of the nineties to experience their own genre of horror. Nowadays, my generation has scary movies like Saw, The Ring, The Grudge, 28 Days Later, and so on and so forth. This mask that I will show you how to draw, is the infamous face the killers victims see just before they die. To this day, there is costumes being sold and worn of the Scream serial killer during the Halloween season. I will show you “how to draw Scream step by step”. I think you will find that this lesson is very fun and easy to draw. Peace out kids and I will be back tomorrow with more drawing fun.

#draw horror

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