How to Draw Jim Morrison

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Let's start out with a basic oval. See if you can stay close to the shape. Sketch in your guidelines. First line is at the top left eyelid, and the second line is at bottom of the nose. This divides the face into thirds, which helps with accurate pl   


All those out there that get impatient with your drawings, please wave your hands! Because this start with Jim's features doesn't look like him at all. Looks like a child's scribble. Stick with this. Get his strange eyebrow shadow placements, eyes an   


Here's the five-eye game! They are the size of one of Jim's eyes. The bridge of his nose is one eye, his eyes count for two more, and there are two more eyes at either sides of his face. It looks like those eyes are one half, but the ears (hidden) ma   


You can sketch lightly these guidelines to erase later. Look at the picture for this step. Jim's face is divided by thirds this way. First line is at the top of his head/hairline. Second line is right above his top eyelid. Third line is at the bottom   


Here's my famous menu for hair and supplies! In the picture you can see some twists and curls with shading. Follow the direction of the arrows when you shade the curls of the hair. Hint: Start at the dark area within the hair strand area. Stroke a li   


You can use your rubber kneaded eraser for reflective lights on the side of Jim's cheek, within his pupil for catch lights, or to stroke those highlights in on his hair. Remember that the reflective light area isn't pure white--it is at middle tone.    


Jim is looking more like himself. You can erase those guidelines and continue with defining him more. Drawing in that reflective light on the right side of his jaw. Adding more hair curls, shading, and texture.


If you make a mistake or mistakes, that kneaded rubber eraser helps a lot. As you dab with it, it can pick up unwanted pencil marks. If you want to use small circles with your pencil to shade in his skin, that's a good idea. For hair, use long sweepi   


Continue to work in those shadows, spread the shading and let it disappear into the lighter area. Don't use harsh lines to separate light from dark. Gently caress your picture with loving strokes. Be patient, take your time, look closely at your refe   

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December 23, 2010

Description: An icon of the 60's, who could forget Jim Morrison of The Doors with hits like "Baby, Light My Fire. Peeps, he's like one of the most iconic frontmen in rock music history. From Psychedelic rock, acid rock, blues rock, and hard rock to filmmaker, musician, songwriter, poet, actor, this is one genius man. Sad to say, we've had him for a short amount of time. Born December 8, 1943, he passed away at 27 years old on July 3, 1971. Here's a tutorial from one of his iconic pictures from the sixties. I hope you enjoy this one.

#draw famous #draw real people #how to draw real people

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