How to Draw Jerry Smith
Using the facial guidelines you will draw out the big round eyes and then the pupils, brows and nose.
Lasly, draw in Jerry's scruffy hairstyle and then give him a mouth or smile. Erase the mistakes if you made any.
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September 8, 2020
Description: So up next we will be tackling the lesson on how to draw Jerry Smith, step by step from the Rick and Morty Show. Now, Jerry is Summer and Morty's father as well as Beth's husband. Now, even though I am familiar with the Rick and Morty animated series, I really haven't dived deep into the show so knowing the characteristics and traits for these characters are not really know. I just ask my sister about the characters and she tells me some details about them. Anyways, I do know that Jerry Smith is a main character from the show so drawing him should be fun. I will be back with a couple other lessons so try and stick around.