How to Draw Hambo, Hambo From Adventure Time

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Make two circles, one for the head and one for the body. You will add a facial guideline to the top circle then proceed to step two.


Next, simply go over the shape you just made but add two lumps for the ears. When you do this you will also have to add a little detailing to the left ear.


Since Hambo is a very old teddy bear you will need to make him look old by drawing the stitched repair lines which are along the forehead, and on the right side of the face. The left or right eye is missing so you will need to draw the stuffing or fi   


We will work on the body now. First draw the small bump right under the left side then draw out the form of the body which is basically the same shape as the circle you made in step one. Draw in the long noodle like arms like so before moving to step   


Draw out the long legs, and you're almost done.


Lastly, all we need to do is draw all the scuff marks, stitched repair lines, and some wrinkling on the belly. Erase the mistakes so Hambo is as clean as he can be when you color him in.


That's it, you are all done. Now grab your coloring tools to bring this teddy bear to life. I hope you had fun.

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September 1, 2012

Description: Drawing all of these Adventure Time characters is really making me want to watch the show. Well maybe I don't have time to watch the show, but I can sure make more tutorials on some of the characters and figures from Adventure Time. In this lesson I will show you "how to draw Hambo", step by step. If you're wondering who this loveable stuffed critter is, I will give you a hint. The owner is a Vampire. If you said Marceline you're correct. Hambo is Marceline's favorite stuffed teddy bear. It's really worn and tattered but she loves him anyway because it's the little imperfections that makes him perfect. I really enjoyed making Hambo because I myself think it's an awesome teddy bear. If you like grungy style stuff, you will definitely love following this lesson on drawing Hambo. I really need to jet out of here for now because I'm so backed up on submitting tutorials. So let me get busy with making more so you guys have something fun to do later on. Peace people and enjoy!

#how to draw adventure time characters #how to draw teddy bears

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