Start this step by drawing a circle for the head, and then draw out a straight sided bell like shape for the body. Attach the two shapes with a neck line.
Here you will sketch out the shape of the Dende's head shape and facial structure. As you can see his chin points off at the end. When you are done, you can draw in the antenna.
Okay guys, it's now time to draw out the shapes of his eyes and be sure that the brows dominate the eyes. next, draw in his nose, and then his mouth and chin detailing.
You will now sketch out Dende's huge elf like ears and be sure to sketch in all the added detailing and definition. When that is done, add definition above the brow, and then draw out and color in the dots in his eyes.
All you have to do here is sketch out the scarf that snugs his neck and almost looks like it's chocking him. Add those folds, creases and wrinkles.
Okay guys, draw out his shoulders which eventually turns into a vest. Even though Dende is a small being, he is also very stocky.
Draw out Dende's arms, and then his hands. When that is done you have to draw out the nails on one hand, and his fist on the other. Be sure to add detailing to his sleeves too.
It is now time to start sketching out the rest of his body as well as his clothes. When you do this you will need to draw in the sash, and then sketch in the wrinkles and creases scattered on his body or attire.
Lastly, draw in Dende's feet and or shoes and be sure to draw in the stripes. Erase the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.
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March 31, 2011
Description: Every good storyline has to have some sort of figure that has the ability to heal people. Of course I'm talking about fantasy flicks, video game plots, and even cartoons and anime. I thought I would submit another lesson on a DBZ character that looks a little like a miniature version of Piccolo, but I guess that's because they are both Namekian. Who am I talking about? You will be learning "how to draw Dende", step by step. He is considered to be the guardian of earth, as well as a healer. He doesn't have any fighting abilities but when someone needs to be rejuvenated or healed, Dende is the one to turn to. One of the reasons why he is so important is because he is as smart as can be. He is also a character that is always helping out situations before they get worst. Dende was first introduced to the Dragon Ball lineup during the Namek saga. He has appeared in both Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. Did you know that when Dende created the new Dragonballs, he made it so that two wishes could be made instead of only one? Dende is a very easy character to draw and I think it's because he is so small. When you tackle this lesson on "how to draw Dende", you will have a new figure from DBZ that is considered to be an important character of the series for both anime and manga. I will leave you all now because I have more to upload. Stay tuned in to see what else I have in store for ya'll. Well guys peace out and have fun.