How to Draw Chibi Bella

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Bella's head is bigger then the other two chibis I submitted. You will draw the shape of her head, and then add the facial guidelines. Next draw the shape of her body, and then move to the next step.


You will now draw out the thick, dark lining for her eyes, and as you can see I drew a fin like design for the ends of her lashes.


Draw the shape of Bella's chibi face, and then draw in her eyeballs and pupils. Next sketch out the lining of her hair that frames her face.


As you can see, Bella is coming along very nicely. In this step you will start focusing on the flow of the hair. We want Bella's hair to have the curly long look from the first movie, Twilight. In the movie, she wears a thin headband that adds a inno   


Ok, here I drew her in a hoodie. In the movie she wears a hoodie in several parts. I wanted to keep the real essence of 'Bella' within this chibi version. Sketch out the hoodie. The lines and details should remain within the guidelines you drew in St   


Alright, this is pretty much the easiest step. Here you will sketch out the small legs to complete the body. Most chibis have no detailing for feet. However, it is up to the artist to stylize how their chibis should look. You can mix and match the de   


I hope you have your erasers ready because it's time to erase a lot of details. The lines from step 1 should only be erased from the drawing. As you can see, while you progressed with the step starting from Step 2, the lines from Step 1 turned grey.    

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April 10, 2010

Description: Yup, that was awesome! I am about to submit my last lesson on a chibi character from the Twilight saga. So far I have chibi Edward, and chibi Jacob. You will now get the pleasure to draw chibi Bella, step by step. Bella has developed into such a different character in New Moon, and to be completely honest with all of you, I liked New Moon way better then Twilight. I think it's because New Moon seemed more like a serious movie, and not so child like. I'm not saying the Twilight stunk or anything because I enjoyed the first movie too. My mother even fell in love with Twilight, so what does that tell you. Anyway, chibi Bella came out looking awesome too, and if you draw the three together on one sheet of paper, you will end up with the movie's debut poster. I drew her looking depressed as she looked through most of the New Moon movie. And since she was lost in the woods in the beginning of the flick, drawing her in a sitting pose suits her just fine. I'm hoping you guys will like this tutorial on “how to draw chibi Bella, step by step. There is four more lessons to upload and write out. I will be back later, so stick around. Adios mi amigos, and have a happy drawing Sunday.

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