In this first step you will be drawing the shape and facial guidelines for chef's character. First draw the shape of Chef's head which is just a square on top and round on the bottom. Now draw out the body which is shaped like a bell. Now you can mov
Here is where you you will be drawing more guidelines to create the figure of Chef. First start at the face and draw two round circles for his eyes and a wide "V" shape for the eyebrows. Next draw the outline for his beard. Starting at the sides of h
Now this is the last step of drawing. What you will do is draw the puffy looking cloud shape on top of the hat with three lines coming from it. Then draw two dots for the pupils. Now draw out the t-shirt lining on the arms which represent the sleeves
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April 11, 2008
Description: In this tutorial you will be learning how to draw one of the last favorite characters on my list from the South Park series. He is the one and only Chef. Chef is the cook in the school cafeteria where the South Parks kids go to school at. His real name is Jerome McElroy and he is the person that Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny go to for answers to questions they just don’t seem to understand. Even though Chef only made sporadic appearances, he still became a likable character just by the way he would respond to the questions being asked by the four 9 year olds. The best way to describe chef, easy, he is one of the only black people that live in South Park on a constant basis. Besides Chef Tokens family lives there as well. Other traits that describe this character, he almost always wears his big white chefs hat where ever he goes, he has a full beard and mustache, he also wears a red t-shirt, blue pants and navy blue shoes. You will also see him wear his chef’s apron from time to time. It is said that he is in his early 40’s but no one really knows. One of my favorite lines from Chef was when he explained to the boys what type of person Mr. Garrison was he said “Children, there's a big difference between gay people and Mr. Garrison. Do you understand that?” That was the best. There was another episode where the children keep asking themselves a question about their priest, so all four kids ask Chef what they wanted to know and all you hear him say is “hi kids, bye kids”, the question was so awkward that he couldn’t even tell them what they wanted to know even though he knew what they were talking about. Another thing about Chef he was one of the few sane adults in the South Park series. As many of you know he was killed off the show because of some dispute the characters voice actor had with the writers and makers of South Park. In any rate the show remains a big hit and I still watch it. If I want to see some of the classic episodes that Chef was funniest at I can always turn to my DVD. So I will leave you now so you can learn how to draw Chef from South Park. Have fun, and adios.