How To Draw Cartman

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In this first step what you will be doing is drawing the guidelines and shapes of Cartman. First start off by drawing a gigantic circle for his perfectly round head. Next sketch in some facial guidelines as shown.


Simply thicken the shape you just drew in step one to form the structure of Eric's head. When that is done draw a puff ball on the top of his head for his hat, and then draw the lid line as well.


Using the facial guides you made in step one, begin drawing the simple shaped eyes, color in the pupils, and then draw in his mouth, some teeth, and then the double chin line. As you know Eric Cartman is a bit of a porker.


Now it's time to draw out his big round body. The bottom lining should be a bit squiggly as shown, and when you are done there you can make the vertical line for the jacket as well as the buttons. Draw in his hands in the form of mittens and move alo   


For the last step all you have to do is draw in Cartman's legs and his feet. When you are done you can start cleaning up your drawing to finalize everything.


Here is how your lineart comes out looking when you are all done. Now you can have even more fun as you tackle the task of coloring him in.

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April 7, 2008

Description: "I'm goin' down to South Park Gonna have myself a time. Friendly faces everywhere humble folks without temptation, Goin' down to South Park Gonna leave my woes behind, Ample parking day or night People shouting Howdy Neighbor Heading on up to South Park, Gonna see if I can't unwind"! Hello again and welcome to this tutorial on "how to draw Eric Cartman", step by step from the animated series South Park. I hope you enjoyed some of the lyrics from the opening song of the show; it always gets me ready to laugh for a straight hour. I don’t know about you, but I love Cartman, he is nothing more than a funny off the wall character that makes me laugh out loud, and that’s no joke. Everyone knows that his character is portrayed as being some what evil and conniving. He loves to get revenge on people that take advantage of him, burn him, or even when someone picks on him because of his weight. That is another thing that makes Cartman so distinctive, his weight. He is often referred to as the fat kid; other kids in the neighborhood pass cracks on his weight as do his friends at times as well. Eric Cartman can be described as being a fowl mouth, rude, spiteful, revengeful, and sometimes stupid. He often mixes things up and makes himself look like an idiot by saying something that either didn’t really happen, or by saying stuff that isn’t even true or can’t be backed up by logic. There are so many episodes I can call my favorite, but for know I will just say that each episode of South Park is added to my favorites list because I never watched a bad show. Cartman lives with his hermaphrodite mother in the small town of South Park. He is also some what of a brat if you think about it. Some of his famous phrases are, "Screw you guys. I'm going home." or “I want Cheesy Poofs!" and "Sweet!" To comfort her son, his mother usually feeds him a butt load of chocolate. Either way you look at this character you can safely say he is one of a kind, and the guys that created and developed him did a rocking job. This tutorial is going to show you "how to draw Cartman", step by step. After you are done you can sit there and stare at his picture and laugh just by thinking about the things he says or does. I hope you enjoy this tutorial on Cartman.

#how to draw south park #how to draw characters from south park #draw south park characters

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