How to Draw Bangs

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Start with the face shape and sketch in the facial guidelines.


Up next, we will define the shape of the face by drawing the cheeks, chin and jaw line. Once that is complete, you can draw in the eyebrows.


Up next, use the facial guidelines to draw in the girl's big expressive eyes. When doing this the eyes should have thick lashes. Draw the nose and mouth, then add a chin bump.


We will draw in the hair style next which is long and straight. The bangs are parted and fall on the face and forehead. Don't forget to draw the arch in her hair.


Lastly, draw the shape of her neck, and then draw some more of her hair which is resting on the side of her neck. Add a detailing line and you are ready to erase the mistakes and guides.


That's all there is to it when it comes to drawing bangs. Now you can color in your face and show other what you just drew.

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September 7, 2016

Description: Hello once again all you artists out there. I hope you're all ready to get your groove on because this lesson will show you in a very simple way how to draw a face with bangs, or how to draw bangs, step by step. It's not as detailed as some of the other hair lessons, but at least you can get an idea on how bangs should be drawn on a female character face. I did have fun with this lesson because I myself recently got bangs. My hair used to be all one length, but I felt like living so now I have a long bangs. Anyways, enough with the blab and on with the tut. Have fun drawing bangs folks and I will meet you all back here in a few.

#how to draw faces #draw hair
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