How to Draw an Orchid For Kids
Now that we have the guides drawn in, we can tackle the task of getting the center of the flower drawn which is where the stamen omit from.
From the edge of the center, begin drawing the flower petals. Add dimpling in the center of each petal like so.
Lastly, draw the stem and leaves at the end or base of the stem of the flower. Erase the mistakes if you have made any.
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June 5, 2017
Description: I have another awesome easy lesson for you guys. This time I will be showing you "how to draw an orchid for kids", step by step. Orchids are one of the flower species that I think so pretty and vibrant. I uploaded a lesson in the past on one of these flowers and in the description I mentioned how you can buy single orchids that look like the image in the tut at Home Depot or any other hardware store that sells flowers. Anyways, drawing an orchid for kids should be pretty fun because drawing flowers usually is. I will be back a little bit later with more lessons for you all so stay tuned in.