How to Draw a Pitbull Tattoo

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Let's begin with the guide shape for the Pitbull's head and then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Up next, begin drawing the shape of the Pitbull's head. There also should be a small ear and detail inside the ear as well.


For the second step, we will draw the slashes of skin tissue and when you do this make sure that you add detailing to the skin to make it look all fleshy and defined.


On the right side of the head, sketch in the Pitbull's head shape along with the entire formation of the face and jaw. As you know this breed is known for having lockjaw mouths. Add detailing throughout the face and then move to step five.


We will now draw in the shapes of the Pitbull's eyes which should be solid. When that is done you can sketch in the detailing of the snout which are the crinkles from being in an aggressive pose. Draw the nose and then draw in the whisker holes.


Up next, add detailing to the tongue to make it look like a tongue, then draw in the top and bottom rows of the teeth. The teeth are drawn a little exaggerated, but that is all part of the tattoo style.


We will now draw the collar and of course this Pitbull is wearing a spiked collar. The spikes should be long and pointy.


And lastly, draw in the rest of the flesh but this time it's going to make your Pitbull look like it's sitting inside the body. Erase your mistakes and guidelines before calling this lesson finished.


You will color in your drawing and be sure to color the inside of the hole that your Pitbull is inside of.

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March 14, 2017

Description: For those of you who love the Pitbull breed, this lesson is going to rock your world. I wanted to do a tutorial on an awesome tattoo design so the only thing that I could think of that was different was a Pitbull. So here is my take on a flesh ripping tut on how to draw a Pitbull tattoo, step by step. This is a really cool design to get inked anywhere on your body. It's something that will look like it's ripping through your own flesh. The coloring of the Pitbull can be any style you like, but that will all depend on what looks good on your skin. I hope you have fun with this lesson. I will be back in a bit with more drawing fun so stay tuned in.

#how to draw dogs #how to draw pitbulls

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