How to Draw a Kawaii Turkey
Make two shapes, one for the head and another for the body of the turkey. Add the facial guide and then draw in the neck guideline.
Begin defining the shape of the turkey's head and when that is done you can draw the beak and then draw the large eye.
Draw in the shape of the neck, the waddle and then draw the defined shape of the round body. You can then draw the turkey's wing followed by some feather detailing to the body.
Lastly, draw in the tail feathers as they are fanning in style. When that is done you can draw the large toes and then the nails. Erase the mistakes and the guides too.
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November 19, 2016
Description: Gobble, gobble, gobble another day for a bottle. Hello again. Remember when I said that I had another cute lesson for you all to help celebrate Thanksgiving? Well here it is. I know I have done enough lessons on turkeys, but I don't think I have ever done a tutorial on how to draw a Kawaii turkey, step by step. This adorable turkey is still in tact instead of being plucked, pulled and gutted. You can have fun with this lesson because you can decorate the concept any way you like. That's all I really have to say because there is not much more to say about a turkey. I hope you have fun, adios and happy Thanksgiving.