How to Draw Soos, Gravity Falls

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The first thing we need to do is draw out the egg shape of the head. Once that is done you can go ahead and sketch in the facial guidelines.


Next, using the shape you just made, draw out the pear form of the face and head together. Draw a lid for the baseball cap that he is wearing, then incorporate an ear.


You will finally get to use those facial guides that you made in step one. Draw the eyes, nose and mouth like you see it here.


Next, finish the mouth by adding the over excited smile. Draw in the teeth and tongue, then draw the chin, eyebrows, facial hair, and some pupils.


You will only have to draw out the actual shape of the body. At this point it looks like a blob.


Add some sleeves, a big question mark in the center of his chest, then draw in the lining to form the arms. Erase the mistakes you made so far to clean up the drawing.


Here is what Soos looks like when you are all done. Now you can color him in, then add him to the rest of the Gravity Falls crew.

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July 10, 2012

Description: Ok guys, so the new cartoon show that's being aired on Disney Channel seems pretty cool so far. What captivates me more is that style of the backgrounds and how they correlate with the style of the characters as well. If you like to take on challenges, then this tutorial for you Gravity Falls fans is a must to try. Take your time to evaluate where to place the guidelines, and be sure to place them carefully and accurately. So without further ado let's move onto this lesson and learn 'how to draw Soos from Gravity Falls', step by step. I hope you guys have fun as much as I did creating this lesson. Peace out and don't forget to let me know how you did!

#how to draw gravity falls characters #how to draw gravity falls
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