How to Draw Sexy Lips
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January 6, 2017
Description: This tutorial has been sitting in my folder for a little over a week and I'm just now getting around to uploading it. Anyways, since this is an old lesson that should have went up a week ago, I will just make this description quick so I can proceed on with submitting the rest of my lessons. Back when I made this tut, I was thinking about a nice way to show folks how to draw sexy lips and this is what I came up with. Of course I searched the web for inspiration, so the credit is due to other photographers who had images available for me to look at for inspiration. The drawing is of a sexy mouth with a tongue running along the lip. Of course the fangs give it a certain something, and this was added to entice folks to draw sexy lips too. Thanks for joining me with yet another tut, I will be back soon with more.