How to Draw Sally Brown


Make a head shape and then the guides for the body. Sketch in the facial guidelines too.


Using the face/head guide draw the defined shape of Sally's face like so. Also, draw in her ears.


We will now draw the hair completely. The top is curly and sort of looks like a rose bloom. The hair also comes down on the sides.


Draw some hair on the sides of her head and then draw in the eyes. Color the eyes and add eyebrows and a mouth.


Draw Sally's body in better detail. This should be a dress and puffy sleeves.


Give her dress a collar and then draw in the arms hidden behind her back. Finish the clothing by adding some spots.


For your last drawing step all you need to do is draw the legs and shoes. Add the laces and then erase your mistakes.


The line art should come out looking like the drawing you see here. Color in Sally Brown completely.

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July 12, 2015

Description: I know I told you guys before, but I will say it again. There is a new Peanuts movie coming out this year so I have to make it my goal to upload lessons on all the figures that will be in the movie. I will start by showing you how to draw Sally Brown, step by step. Sally is Charlie's sister and she is as adorable as they come. Even though Sally is cute, she can be a pain in the neck for Charlie. I think you will find that all the lessons on the Peanuts Gang will be easy to recreate. I'm sorry for filling up the front page with all Charlie Brown characters, but I think they are absolutely adorable. Adios folks and have fun drawing Sally Brown.

#how to draw charlie brown characters #how to draw the peanuts gang
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