How to Draw Prohyas From Mighty Magiswords


We will first need to draw the guides for the head and torso. Sketch in the facial guidelines and then draw the guides for the limbs and sword.


Here you will sketch out the actual face structure for Prohyas' face. When that is done draw in his eyes, nose and mouth. Give him an excited expression.


Some of you know that warriors used to have long hair. This was a common hairstyle for these types of dudes. Having said that, draw in Prohyas' hair. It's starts off puffy for the bangs and then goes long and straight.


Here is where we will draw in the shape of his neck, then draw the collar from his tunic while also drawing the torso. End this step by drawing the extended arm and ruffle to the shirt.


Draw in the other arm and then draw both hands in the pose you see here. They are in fists and that is because Prohyas is holding the handle of his sword. Once that is finished you can complete the shirt or tunic, add the buttons and then draw a smal   


Now you can draw the sword which is in the form of a narwhal. Color in an eyeball and then draw in the fins.


Lastly, draw in Prohyas' legs followed by the boots. Erase the guidelines and mistakes than you are all done with this character from Mighty Magiswords.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can have fun coloring him in.

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May 19, 2015

Description: For those of you who are familiar with Prohyas, than you should know what series he is from. Today I will be showing you how to draw Prohyas from Mighty Magiswords, step by step. The show aired on Cartoon Network Video. It's an online series that has a total of two episodes so far with the first one that was released on May 6th of this year. Prohyas is a warrior who goes on crazy adventures as he fulfills requests from his employers. He is what you call a freelance warrior. Anyways, since this character is not developed yet, I will just teach you the task of drawing Prohyas. You will have fun, and you will be challenged. I shall return so stay tuned in.

#how to draw mighty magiswords #how to draw mighty magiswords characters
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