How to Draw Pixel Mario
Let's start by drawing the lid lining for Mario's hat, then draw the lining that will be his ear and hair/head.
Next, draw Mario's hat in a digital or pixel style. Drawing pixels is like making small different shaped boxes connected together to form a picture.
Now that his hat is all drawn in, we can get started by drawing the profile of Mario's face. Make the forehead, nose and ear. Take your time until the face comes out right.
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December 2, 2014
Description: So up next I have a couple tuts that I think a lot of you will like. The idea for these lessons actually came about when I saw that a member uploaded some cool art on a pixel style Mario. I had a lot of fun making this tutorial because it brought me back to the days when I used to play my dads old first Nintendo system. I played the old school Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong, and even Zelda. I hope you like this lesson and thank you to the member who uploaded art on a pixel version of Mario. Adios folks.