How to Draw Mega Venusaur


Make the shapes for the head, torso and tail. Sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the guides you just made, begin drawing the actual shape of Mega Venusaur's face and ears, then add in that tuft of plant matter on top of the head between the ears.


Here you will use the facial guidelines to draw in the eyes, mouth which is slightly open with a mild grin. Add the horn on the nose bridge and then some spots and inner ear detailing.


Next, simply draw the clunky front and back legs, then draw the toenails and some of the leaves that fall off the side of his back. The edging the to the leaves should have notches for the splits in the leaves.


Next, draw the large aloof leaves that just dangle off the sides of the tree top. Add the ring like leaves, then move to step six.


In this step you will draw the entire trunk of the tree and add the spots on each leaf. Draw a zigzag pattern on the trunk of the tree, and proceed to the last drawing step.


Fill in around the sides of the tree a layer of leaves. It's almost like a pile of leaves staked on each side of the tree. Add detailing then erase the mistakes and guidelines.


The end product once your work is done, should look similar to the one you see here. All that's left to do now is color in the drawing.

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September 6, 2013

Description: Are you all ready for the next lesson on another Mega Pokemon? I hope so because there is one more coming your after this one so be forewarned. Up next we will learn "how to draw Mega Venusaur", step by step. As you know Mega Venusur is the Mega Evolution of Venusaur which makes him super duper cool. I love how there is a full grown pine tree like plant on his back along with some banana style leaved that are torn at the edges. The original form of this Pokemon before there was ever a mega-lution, is Bulbasuar. All the evolution of this species are from the father of them which is Bulbasaur. Anyways the complexity level for this lesson is somewhere between easy and intermediate. The most challenging part to the tutorial is actually the leaves. I would love if all you Pokemon fans tackle this submission on drawing Mega Venusaur. I will be back so try and stick around to see what's next.

#how to draw pokemon #how to draw mega pokemon
1 - Super Cool
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