How to Draw Frank Sinatra, Frank Sinatra


Okay so let's start by drawing the almond shaped guide for Sinatra's face like so then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Here you will begin sketching out the actual structure of Frank's face. Notice how the cheek bone stands out. Add detailing inside the ear once you sketch out the shape of it.


Up next, you will now draw out the fedora he is wearing as well as the band around the base of the hat.


Draw the shapes of his eyes, then color in the eyebrows which are not that long. Add some wrinkling under each eye and sketch in some hair on the side of his head.


Here is where we will sketch out Frank's nose, mouth and frown lines around the mouth and nose. Add the dimple indent on the cheek as well.


You will finish drawing Frank Sinatra's face by adding the lining and shading to form the teeth. Add the bottom lip then the chin.


You will now draw out the shape of the neck, then sketch in the shirt collar, jacket suit collar, then his shoulder. Add texture to his clothing by adding some minor tweaks. Erase your mistakes before you call it quits.


Here is the line art for your drawing of Frank Sinatra. You can show your work off as a sketch, or a colored image.

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June 16, 2013

Description: Here is old blue eyes himself in a young style. I don't know why but I was compelled to fill a request to make a lesson on "how to draw Frank Sinatra", step by step. Frank was also known as Ol' Blue Eyes, The Chairman of the Board and The Voice. He is known for his soothing voice and for being the founding member of the 'Rat Pack'. The Rat Pack consisted of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, and Joey Bishop. Other visiting members were also added like Judy Garland, Errol Flynn, Nat King Cole, Mickey Rooney and Cesar Romero. Frank Sinatra was also best known for performing in Las Vegas and in New York. The musical genre that his style of music falls into is; Traditional pop, jazz, swing, big band and vocal. I know there is a lot of fans out there which is why I know some of you will enjoy drawing Frank Sinatra. I shall return in a bit with other tuts so stay put people.

#draw people #how to draw real people #how to draw actors
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