How to Draw a Seal

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Now, I know this image looks awkward right now but it'll turn into a cute image soon. Right after these steps and you'll have a cutie. Start with a large circle, and two oval like shapes added to the the circle. This will resemble our seal's head...t   


Encircle the bottom of the seal's head with this large oval shape. This will the creature's stubby body.


Draw two long triangular shapes for the flippers of the seal. Hey, the seal needs to move and swim right? I know, lets draw 'the Armless Seal'! It'll be fun and a become new species! No, just playing. Shall we proceed?


Erase those unwanted lines with an eraser and you'll end up with a cuddly bunny funny stubby seal! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Join and submit your own tutorials. Also comment and rate tutorials! I hope you'll join so I can rate y   

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December 19, 2007

Description: Whoa! Seals! The most adorable animals in the sea today! Yay, get ready to draw the spontaneous seal! Since we're learning "how to draw a seal", let’s learn the facts first. The global (common) seal population is four hundred to five hundred thousand. The species that we are drawing is the common seal. Females can live to be up to thirty to forty years old, and are smaller than males. The males only live to be twenty to twenty five years old. Hahahahah! Females outlive males! Lol! Anyways, seals are carnivores. They feed on fish and sometimes crustacean. Seal hunting is legal since the seal population is big. If you want to spot seals, go to California. Your bound to see tons of them flocked everywhere! Some locations are Children's Pool Beach in La Jolla, Cannery Row in Monterey, Moss Landing on Monterey Bay or at Bolinas Lagoon in Marin County. I did. I saw a lot of them at Children's Pool Beach. Also in the summer, you'll see lots of them with young pups. I saw lots of mother seals playing with their young. It was fun in California. Well I hope this tutorial will help you learn "how to draw a seal", step by step. *Note* the finished drawing is so cute. When I look at it it's almost like I'm at the aquarium watching a seal perform awesome tricks. Have fun people, and don't draw too hard!

#draw a seal #how to draw a seal #draw seals #how to draw seals
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