How to Draw a Harpy, Harpy Girl

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What we need to do first is draw out the mannequin to form a workable frame for the harpy. Start by making the shapes for the head, torso, and hips. Next, add in the legs, then connect the hips to the torso like so.


Sketch out the shape of the face, then draw the short neck. Draw in the wings that are on the sides of her head like so, then draw the hair top.


Here we will sketch in the face. I went with a pretty look that wasn't too seductive because I wanted people to feel comfortable with drawing this harpy. Sketch out the shapes of the eyes, then draw the eyebrows, nose and mouth like so. Be sure to gi   


The face and head is done. What we need to work on now is drawing more of her angled style hair, and her body. For the hair just make a stiff looking stream of hair starting from behind the head. You will then sketch out the first shoulder, then draw   


This is just a simple breakdown to drawing the wings of your harpy easier. Start with an oblong shape, then begin sketching out the top part of the wing which should be lined with short feathers. Add another layer of feathers like so, then draw in an   


For an expanded wing, the best way to draw one is to make the shape of a bolt like so, then start the process with sketching out the form of the wing with the shortest feathers for your first row. Draw the second row of feathers, then finally finish    


Continuing on with the harpy. On the right side of the step, begin sketching out the feathered arm which is going to be a challenge because of the position that the wing is in. Take your time and start where you feel most confident. Draw in the arm o   


The left wing should be long and curled at the bottom. Sketch in the rugged lining that makes up the harpy's wing. Notice how it has a rough exterior. This is because this harpy is old and with age the wings start to become tattered. Sketch in some o   


Now that her arms and torso is all done, you can start the drawing process for her body. Sketch out the bare hips and waist like so, then draw in her leg starting with the thigh. What seems to be the beginning of her foot is actually the separation l   


Draw out the other leg like so, and try to take your time so that her leg is bent in a nice flight pose. Sketch in the definition on her stomach, as well as on her legs. Notice how the feathers are coming from the lower part of her shin.


Finish off this harpy by drawing out the talons for feet and be sure to make them very bird like. The toes should be arched like an eagle like you see here. Draw the last piece of her hair like so, then sketch in the small feathers on the inside of t   


Here is what the finished drawing looks like when you are all done. Now you can color her in using any tones you like. I hope you enjoyed this tut on drawing a harpy.


Here is the full colored version of the harpy for all to see. Now you can show folks what you have done once your drawing is colored in.

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September 20, 2012

Description: For those of you that joined me live the other day, here is the Harpy that I was making for a tutorial. One of the main reasons why I decided to make a tut based on a Harpy is because I only have one lesson on the mythology creature and that can be found under the 'Mythical Beast' section. My original harpy I drew a few years ago has some awesome colors and concept ideas, but the drawing itself is sloppy or not as neat as I'd like it to be. When I began drawing using my tablet, it took a long time to get my lines smooth the way they are now. Back then, my hand was unsteady which is why a lot of my steps from my older lessons look like they where drawn with a shaky hand. Anyways, I wanted to make a more traditional harpy that has more of a mythical appeal. I looked around for some concept ideas and found a few that I liked. In the end I just went ahead and did my own thing using talons for the hands and feet for the harpy. As you know the harpy creature where said to be seductive woman that where half bird/half human. Their hands are actually tied in with the wings making them have claws like an eagle. I really did have a lot of fun with creating a new and improved version of this Harpy. The colors remind me of Fall, and the background makes a real nice setting. I hope you guys enjoy drawing a harpy too, and if there is any other mythical beasts you would like to see in tutorial form, just let me know. I'm actually looking forward to hearing some good or cool ideas. Adios people!

#how to draw harpies

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