How to Draw Ylvis, The Fox

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Make the two shapes, one for the face and another for the fox hood that he wears on his head. Draw the shoulder line and sketch in the facial guidelines.


The next thing to do is sketch out the actual shape of the face structure like so, then draw in the shape of the nose, mouth and frown lines on the sides of the nose.


Use the facial guidelines to draw the small shapes of his eyes, then draw in and color the eyebrows. Add the marking line on the nose tip which will be colored in black in a later step. Next, add the whisker holes around the top portion of the mouth,   


Up next, draw the fox style hood along with the big wide shapes of the ears. You will also need to add some ruffle on the sides of the head or hood, then at the top of the head.


Draw the neck shape, then draw the shoulders and long hair that rests right on the top of the shoulder line. Add the detailing to the shirt or top, then proceed to step six.


Next, sketch in all of the ruffle detailing to the fox hood, then draw in the detailing to the inside of the ears. Add some forehead wrinkles, then erase your mistakes.


That's it, you have finished this drawing on Ylvis so now all you have to do is color him in. Great work people.

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September 21, 2013

Description: Okay, I really don't know why I made this lesson on "how to draw Ylvis", but since a lot of people have been sending me requests for it, I figured I might as well go ahead and submit the tut. For those of you that don't know, Ylvis actually consists of two people or brothers from Bergen, Norway. The brothers are Baard and Vegard Ylvisåker, hence the name 'Yelvis'. They are a comedy duo that dress up in fox clothing and as of right now they have a song called 'The Fox' that went viral on Youtube which now has over forty six million views. Drawing Ylvis will be a challenge for those of you that are brand new to the drawing game, but for those of you that have been drawing for a while, you should flop through this tut with ease. So go ahead and and wait for the last tut I have for you which is based on a Spiderman villain. Peace people.

#how to draw real people #how to draw comedians
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