How to Draw Xbox One, Xbox One
You might want to grab a ruler for this lesson because you will basically only be drawing straight lines. Start with the box shape for the Xbox One. You should end up with a rectangular shape like you see here.
Next, using your ruler once again, draw the lining to form the front and side of the game console like so.
Add the detailing seam lines throughout the box, then draw the disc drive on the front to the left of the game system. If you made any mistakes be sure to erase them now.
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August 8, 2013
Description: Now that the phones are done and submitted, lets get busy with learning "how to draw the Xbox One", step by step. I know there must be so many people out there that are waiting for this unit or game console to be released. But like always, the system won't be available until November of this year. I noticed that whenever a new game console comes out they always have the release date near December for the holiday season. The Xbox One is the third gaming unit from the Xbox family. Even though everyone may be waiting for this system, only those who have the cash to purchase the game will be able to enjoy it. The Xbox One is said to be $499 when it comes out. So if you want one, you better start saving now. Have fun drawing the Xbox One folks, and remember to comment, fav or both.