How to Draw The Secret World of Arrietty

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We will be drawing the stick figure for Arrietty first, and then proceed with more detailed tasks.


You will be drawing Arrietty from the side view and on a much smaller scale. Draw the face from the side and then her hair and ear outline.


Next, draw in her eye, eyebrow, nose, and then add some detailing inside of her hair and to the back of her head. Now that you are done with this task, move to step four.


You will now draw in her clip and ponytail like so, and be sure that the ends of her ponytail has some curls or body. Detail the clip and proceed on.


Her face is all done. All you need to tackle next is her neck, and torso. Draw the arm, chest and back, as well as the sack that she carries on her back.


Add some stitch detailing to her sack and then draw in her lantern that she uses to light her way. Make a waist, and then detailing on her sleeve.


Draw the length of her dress, and then draw the walking staff that she is almost always seen with.


You will now draw in her legs and then her boots. That is all you need to do in this step to be finished with Arrietty.


Since the borrowers travel through the garden, you will be drawing some foliage or leaves from a bush. Draw the rock on the ground as well as more cracks and creeks. Detail the leaves until they look perfect.


You will repeat the same thing on the right side like so, the only difference is there are smaller rocks on the ground instead of large ones.


Now, taking yourself at ease before thinking this impossible, we will start by drawing the LEFT side of the hair first. I always work from left to right since it makes things easier, plus, you don't smudge your lines if you're using pencil or inks. T   


Then, we'll work on each eyebrow first which will help us evaluate where to place each of the eyes/pupils. Make sure the eyes are a few centimeters away from the brows to prevent an awkward look. The lids should be drawn nice and think, with the lowe   


With further line cleanup and inking, you should have something similar to this. I would prefer to use Micron inking pens to create nice chisel and thick lines. You could also get yourself brush pens for thick and neat lines similar to the ones prese   

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February 13, 2012

Description: So yeah, I've recently discovered that there's a new Studio Ghibli film (not exactly new in Japan but in the US), and I thought I'd do a tutorial on both the characters from the film. I have yet to see the movie for myself but I'm in total love with Studio Ghibli films. With that being said, this movie has been receiving a lot of talk since Disney is going to be releasing it on Feb. 17th. If any of you have seen the original Japanese dubbed one, please let me know how it is (without any spoilers!!). Anyways, this was a most pleasure to work on and because I worked on Arrietty live tonight, it's pumped me up to buy the Blu-Ray on Feb 17th. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy this tutorial. If the new tutorial method presented in this was easier for you, please, let me know ;) Thanks guys and I'll be back with more lessons. Keep me posted on more films by this wonderful company!!

#how to draw the secret world of arrietty characters

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