How to Draw Marcus Fenix, Gears of War 3

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Ok, let's get started. The Gears of War characters have extremely bulky proportions. Wide chest, huge arms, and relatively small heads. Draw a large, rectangular shape for the chest. Draw the basic shape of the head above that. The jawline is strong    


Using the guide lines we can draw the outline of the head with more detail. The main features here are the large cheeks and chin, which are almost square-shaped. The curves on the top half of the head will make up the wrinkles in Marcus's headband. T   


Here we'll detail the neck line of the armor and draw the neck itself. Try to envision the rectangular armor plates that will rest on either side of the neck and curve your lines appropriately so you can pick them up later. The armor is made up of lo   


With the head and neck outlined, let's start adding some interior details. First draw the line across Marcus's forehead to complete the bandanna. His eyebrows are partially covered. Use small "U" curves between the eyebrows to show anger stern...ness   


Now to complete the facial details. Draw in Marcus's eyes and mouth, and the interior of the ear. Add a goatee beneath the lower lip. There are wrinkles around the lips and eyes. This guy does a lot of squinting and grimacing, so these lines are chis   


For this step we'll line the neck area with some fabric, from whatever type of shirt he's wearing underneath the armor. Draw in a cog shape for the dog tags and draw lines for the chain. After this we can sketch in the muscles of the neck.


Now for the armor. We'll begin by completing the rectangular shapes on either side of the neck. Below those, there's a soft strap connecting to the chestplate. We'll just indicate some panel lines here, and draw the main line that runs down the cente   


The COG armor almost looks like the guys have boom box speakers built into their chests. Draw a large circle on both sides of the center line. Then surround those shapes with another line to define the outer edge of the armor, as well as defining the   


Now it's time to tackle the arms. Complete the padding that rests beneath the armor straps. This, in turn, covers the undershirt which has torn and tattered edges. An octagonal (8 sides) armor plate covers part of the right arm. Beneath that we can d   


Attach the armor plate to Marcus's arm with some cloth wrappings. Use curves that cross diagonally to achieve an interesting pattern, rather than just having all your lines going in the same direction. Next we'll outline the basic shapes of the gun,    


This step will finish up the main shapes of the body. Start by drawing the pouch and canteen that hang from his belt. Then draw the belt buckle and the belt itself. Use rectangular shapes to draw the armor straps that wrap around the sides of the bod   


One could call it "done" at this point, but let's add some detail to really match the feel of Gears of War. There are rectangular lights built in to the straps on either side of Marcus's neck. Draw the rim lines along the top panels of the chestplate   


This step is open-ended, which means it's up to you to decide how much detail to put into your drawing. With designs like this, there's an almost endless amount of detail. Each panel, each cloth, each patch of skin is covered in various shapes and te   


...and that's it! Here's the finished line art for Gears of War 3 Marcus Fenix. I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. I think this captures the basic look and feel of the character, and should help you remember which features to keep in mind i   

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July 2, 2011

Description: Today, we'll be learning "<em><strong>how to draw Marcus Fenix from Gears of War</em></strong>", step by step. This tutorial comes with easy to draw guides and tips to draw the perfect Marcus for your ever so empty piece of paper. I hope you'll enjoy, and don't forget to tell me how you did.

#how to draw gears of war

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