How to Draw Jack Skellington


Alright so step one we begin with a simple easy oval in the center of the page, the oval has to be big enough to fit Jack other wise it won't work out.


Step 2, phew we're half way there! Lol, anyways step two requires us to begin to draw Jack's head so that we'll know where to possition the body. The great thing about Tim Burton's art is that anything is possible! So for Jack's head kind of draw a l   


Step three leads us in forming his outfit which is pen stripped but I had no time to do the pen stripes, simply start drawing the bat bow tie around his neck so that you can get a good idea to where the wings are going to be placed, then draw his arm   


Step four was the most difficult for me in this drawing for the background I decided to have it all be spiderwebs, I have never been good at drawing spiderwebs but it turned out, so make sure that when starting the spiderwebs that you begin at the ve   


Alright for the fifth step after the spiderwebs are finished, we can start outlining Jack's body, with this tutorial I used a simple black crayola marker instead of permanent since it has an attendance to bleed.


The sixth step requires the filling in of a cool gray color for the inside oval that we had started from step 1, is this going good so far? and if you are using Paint or any other programs black can be placed around the spiderwebs and they will be ou   


Aw already done :( The final step requies the filling in of the rest of the background, and I forgot to mention in the last step to fill in the rest of Jack's suit, if you feel like it you could at the pen striped vest or you can leave it all black,    

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August 22, 2012

Description: Hey everyone, this is Drawing_Freak with his first ever tutorial, I have always been learning how to draw art from Dragoart and have been getting lots better thanks to Dawn's best tuts, now its my turn to take a step off the porch and teach you guys! Okay so you all may recognize this idolized character as Jack Skelington from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, this is what we are going to draw today! Lets get going.

1 - Super Cool
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