How to Draw Hitman

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Okay lets start this first step with your basic guidelines and shapes to form a good strong frame for 47. Start with the shape of his head but break them up in two parts. The first party is a sorta long circle which will be the top part of his head i   


Now in this next step you will start to sketch the definition and detailing on his face start with the wrinkle lines on his forehead and the shape of his eyebrow which is in a mean position. Now sketch out the shape of his cheeks, and nose as shown a   


As you can see Agent 47 is already taking form. What you will do now is sketch a line on the right side of his head that goes all the way down to his chin. This area will be shaded in later. On the left side begin sketching his eye and eyebrow as sho   


As you can see this will be the last step. So before you go any further you want to erase all the guidelines and shapers that your not gonna use. This will clean up your sketch a great deal. Draw the right ear and detail his right silverballer as sho   


Now that your sketch is cleaned up from the guidelines and shapes, you can start the shading process. As you can see you will need to shade in the right side of his face and shoulder. shade in his cheek line on the left and some areas near his tie. I   

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June 28, 2008

Description: In this tutorial you will be learning how to draw a character from another one of my favorite video games. So today you will all be learning "how to draw Hitman". Agent 47 is also known as Mr.47 and he was a character that was created from IO Interactive which the character appears in all four of the Hitman releases. Agent 47 is not just a video game character, he is also a novel called; Hitman: Enemy Within and he is a real life character portrayed in the 2007 release of Hitman which is a movie based on the video game. Agent 47 is played by one my favorite actors Timothy Olyphant. He is not my favorite actor because I think he has great acting capabilities, no instead I think he is a very funny and good looking guy that I wouldn’t mind meeting someday. He also plays in another funny movie where he was just off the wall playing a pimpish kinda character. His screen name was Kelly and it was the move The Girl Next Door. He also played along side Jennifer Gardner in Catch and Release. I sometimes get him confused with that other good looking actor Josh Duhamel. Well anyways to get back on the subject of 47. So, the story goes like this; he is a character that got his name from a tattoo on the back of his head which happens to be of a bar code (640509-040147). The last two digits of the barcode is 47, hence Agent 47. He is an assassin that works for the International Contract Agency or ICA. He almost always uses some form of aliases when ever he is out on a job like Tobias Rieper which is another form of the “Grim Reaper”, Metzger which is German for “butcher” and a few more anagrams that he uses frequently when he is on a mission. His attire consist of a nice black Italian suit, a blood red tie, a pair of black leather gloves, his two signature hand guns which are dual Silverballer handguns which sometimes are shown with the silencers on, and a razor shaved bald head. Now Agent 47 is a genetically-enhanced clone. He is the culmination of decades of secret research into gene augmentation which is why there is a barcode on the back of his head. This barcode is prominently tattooed on the back of his head, which lists his date of creation. I like the mean physic this character has and he is very appealing and interesting. I had an awesome time drawing him out and I know you will have fun as well. This tutorial will show you exactly how to draw Agent 47 or the Hitman step by step with easy to read instructions. Hope you all have fun and I also hope this tutorial will be helpful to you.

#how to draw hitman #how to draw hitman characters
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