How to Draw Dib

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He is going to be really easy to draw. ALl you have to do is draw a circle for his head, and then add the facial guidelines that actually extend to his body guideline as well.


Okay, now start sketching out the sides of his head, and then draw in his long messy hair which consists of a few strands of hair. Next draw the big circular eyes, and then draw the slanted brow lines. The pointed tips under the eyes, ware his ears,    


Draw the pointed shaped chin, and then draw the entire outline of his jacket. Under his coat you can draw the lines for his shirt, and pants.


For your last drawing step all you have to do is draw a small rectangle in each eye for the pupils, and then draw his nose and mouth. Next and lastly, draw the legs, hands, and then add the detailing to the shirt.


Now that your drawing is done, you should end up with a picture that looks like this. Color him in and you are all done. You just learned how to draw Dib from Invader Zim.

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March 14, 2010

Description: I heard tell that the one time awesome cartoon series “Invader Zim” is returning to Nickelodeon. When I heard the rumors of this happening, I had to go check it out for myself. The results where in, Invader Zim is in fact returning, but the sad news is, it's only for one month. Every weekend you can catch a dose of the animated series at eleven am, eastern time. This lesson is going to be on one of the main characters from the series, and I know you love this tutorial if you are a fan of the show. It's time to learn “how to draw Dib", step by step. Dib is the main antagonist of Invader Zim, and he is also one crude dude. He is Zim's classmate at school, and he often gives Zim a hard time. Dib knows that Zim is an alien, and he wants so badly to expose his identity. He wants this so bad, that currently his two main goals right now is to impress his popular and famous TV father who happens to be a scientist, and to let the world know who and what Zim is. I like his character, which means I had a fun time drawing him out. When you "draw Dib", you will have another character to the collection of the Invader Zim character series. All I have to do now is upload lessons on a few more of the main characters. Have fun guys, and have a happy drawing Sunday.

#draw nickelodeon characters #how to draw invader zim characters #draw invader zim characters #draw characters from invader zim

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