How to Draw Dango, Clannad

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Draw your first Dango ball like so.


Next, draw another Dango that is much larger than the first one you made in the previous step.


Dd some slits for eyes and some marks for the cheeks to finish off the Dangos.


When you are all done your drawing should look like the one you see here. Now all you have to do is color them in.

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January 17, 2018

Description: There is not a whole lot I can say about these figures from the Clannad series that you guys already don't know. These balls of substance can only do one thing, lay there and look cute. I wanted to fill someones request that actually asked for me to show folks "how to draw a Dango or Dangos", step by step. I tried looking for some juicy information to share with you guys to go with this tutorial description, but all I found was how Nagisa Furukawa likes to name the food that she is about to eat and the Dango is one of them. Also, as I searched the internet to shed some light as to what a dango is, all I found was theme song lyrics and videos which leads me to believe that it is a very popular song from the Clannad series. Not only is the song popular with Clannad, it is a very popular Youtube video as well. Anyways, this tutorial will aid you to drawing a Dango or Dangos with ease. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and I know for a fact that you will finish it within five minutes.

#how to draw clannad #how to draw clannad characters
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