Here you will draw out the center part of the owl's face. This is actually going to be the feathery brows, as well as the very sharp nose area.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw out the layered cheeks for the face. This is two layers of facial feathers. Draw the marking line on the beak too. Erase the mistakes and guides.
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November 14, 2012
Description: Who...who...that is what is being said right now as you look in the eyes of this awesome owl face. Even though the colors are dark, this is a very bright drawing of an owl face that makes a simple style lesson. As you can see the drawing style of this owl is the same as the fox. I really like this design better because the lining is easier to recreate when following the tutorial. The great thing about drawing owls is the versatility of their animal design. I hope you enjoy this submission on a night owl that is loved still. Learning how to draw an owl face is going to be a whole lot easier than you think. Adios people!